Thursday 15 September 2011

Wild life History

Background and History

In the late 1950’s, two young brothers John and Brian were paid a bounty of 10 cents by their father for every mouse they caught near the outside of their house. The brothers first tried cheese as bait, since mice in cartoons always loved cheese. The results from cheese weren’t as good as expected. Then experiments began with different baits on the mousetraps. The goal was not just to find a bait that worked better than cheese, but to find a bait that the mice really went for and would attract every mouse that went near it. From these humble beginnings the spark was kindled and the earliest foundations laid for what was later to become America’s Top Brand®.

In the 1960’s the family moved to a more remote location with many animals around. Always eager to improve on their success, the brothers soon began to think about the different scents that different animals reacted to. Whenever they would see anything written about scents attracting animals they would really dig into it. From there it was just a short step to conducting experiments in hopes of learning how to improve upon what was available to hunters at the time.

After years of hunting trips, hobby experimentations, and lots of trial and error, the brothers, with help from their Dad, hit on an irresistible formula that attracted deer like nothing they’d ever seen before – Trail’s End® #307®.

Deer Camp success with Wildlife Research Center products Trail’s End® #307® World’s Best Buck Lure™ Since 1983 TRAIL’S END® #307® deer scent from Wildlife Research Center® is a complex blend of natural ingredients developed through years of extensive testing in the field, on wild whitetail deer. It is truly an outstanding buck scent, packed with natural deer calling ingredients, some of which are not well known, but are highly effective. This powerful deer attractant really brings in bucks all season, but especially during the rut.

Being sportsmen and wanting to share their hunting success, in 1983 they made Trail’s End® #307® available to their fellow hunters through mail order magazine ads. When it came to finding just the right name for their company, they decided Wildlife Research Center® best described what their business was all about. But this was just the beginning.

It wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be. In 1983 they spent about $10,000 on magazine ads to sell Trail’s End® #307®. That year they sold enough Trail’s End® #307®, so that they took in a little over $1,000. It was a tough start, and a long hard road. It wasn’t until their 9th year in business before they were able to receive any pay from the business.

One of the very first Trail’s End® #307® ads ran in 1983

Now, even though the money was very minimal, they were able to work at Wildlife® full-time. With their passion for finding new and better ways to hunt at full boil, they continued testing and researching products non-stop. As they were able - hour after hour, day after day, they experimented with formulas and tested them in the woods, examining all of their findings and refining their research until they had produced the best products available.

They developed more attractant scents and masking scents for hunting Whitetail Deer, and other kinds of big game as time went on. Additionally, Wildlife® brought unique and innovative scent dispensers to the market, like the Ultimate Scrape-Dripper®, the only temperature activated liquid scent dispenser for use at scrapes, that is made to drip only during the daytime. It really helps to get the bucks worked up and come in during daytime hunting hours! It was a total breakthrough for scrape hunters.

Ultimate Scrape-Dripper® This patented deer scent dripper from Wildlife Research Center® is the deadliest method known to keep a scrape fresh and working. The Ultimate Scrape-Dripper® drips your buck lure only during the rising temperature to make sure the buck works the scrape during the day. This unique unit tells the buck that a doe came by during the day, allowing the user to pattern the buck. The unit shuts off at night or during rain when temperatures are not rising. Will operate about a week on 1 FL OZSpecial Golden Estrus® Super Fresh and “Use By” Dated. Special Golden Estrus® deer scent is the extra fresh Natural Whitetail doe urine with estrus secretions. Originally it was only available to industry insiders. Special Golden Estrus® buck lure from Wildlife Research Center® is put-up in amber glass bottles and labeled with its own serial number and “Use By” date. It’s the Smell Your Trophy Buck Has Been Waiting For!Active-Scrape® Full Spectrum Scrape Hunting Deer Scent For Use at Real and Mock Scrapes. Active-Scrape® buck lure from Wildlife Research Center® is a blend of doe urine with estrus secretions combined with buck urine – this deer scent is natural and the real thing. The smell of a strange buck in his territory Enrages the Dominant Buck, while the smell of a doe Sexually Arouses him. Scrape Hunting: The best way to hunt bucks.Red Fox Urine Here is a Deer Hunter’s Grade™ Masking Scent & Fear Reducer. It’s collected only from adult, red fox. This premium urine hunting scent from Wildlife Research Center® is acknowledged as one of the best cover scents a hunter can use. It also works as an excellent fear reducer in scents a hunter can use. It also works as an excellent fear reducer in deer. This is the best red fox urine you can use. You can smell the difference.

They came out with their Pro-Wick® scent dispensers, the special synthetic felt wicks that totally changed the direction of the scent dispenser market. Other break-through scent dispensers followed.

Pro-Wick® The scent wick that started it all. These high intensity hunting scent dispensers from Wildlife Research Center® are made from special synthetic felt that will not alter the smell of your hunting lure. Simple to use, hunting scent is applied to each Pro-Wick® that is then hung on a branch or twig approximately 5’ off the ground, so the scent is carried right to the deer’s nose. May be easily removed at night. Come 4 to a pack in resealable, zip lock bag.Quik-Wiks® These are a compact, convenient, & easy to use hunting scent dispenser from Wildlife Research Center®. The patented rain shedding design, special non-reactive felt scent wick, screw-on seal, & uniquely practical design Make Quik-Wiks® a MUST for the serious hunter. Protected under U.S. patent; 6,158,668Key-Wick® The patented design allows you to insert Key-Wicks® from Wildlife Research Center® right into the bottle of liquid hunting scent. Hang them on a branch or twig about 5’ above the ground in your hunting area. These scent wicks are made from special synthetic felt that will not react with liquid hunting lure and will really wick out the scent.

In the 1980’s they also began researching and testing scent eliminator sprays. Scent Killer® Spray was a total break-through. It was the first odorless scent elimination spray on the market. Besides being odorless, its performance was extreme. Amazingly effective in the field, Scent Killer® has also been found to be over 99% effective at stopping replicated human odor in testing at Rutgers University, and it works for days after drying. New Super Charged® Scent Killer® has been found to be even more effective.

Scent Killer® Spray™ 99% Wildlife Research Center® scent elimination formula Over 99% Effective at stopping replicated human odor in testing at Rutgers University! It stops human & other odors on contact. Unique, complex, odorless formula eliminates human odor by preventing odor causing molecules from forming a gas. Spray Scent Killer® onto Clothing and Boots! A Heavy Application Works for days after drying!

Besides the brothers, there is a crew of great people at Wildlife Research Center®. They really care about their customers. They work hard to make great product and get it out for the hunters. Most of the people at Wildlife Research Center® have been there for a long time. They do a great job, making sure hunters have the best scent products available and are happy to be working together.

Today, as part of their ongoing commitment to retaining their position as America’s Top Brand®, they continue to do what has always worked before. Besides the work done by people inside the company, they also work with top scientific experts from outside of the company. Combining the best resources, best field and lab testing methods, and strong relationships with independent labs & top scientific experts, to help them find new ways to improve your performance.

“We built our business on the trust of hunters, along with a deep respect for wildlife and the sport of hunting. We offer a full 100% Money-Back Guarantee on everything we sell.”

The packaging explains how to use each product. This website offers a lot of good information on product usage and general integration of various products into your hunting for maximum results. See the Field Photos and Trophy Gallery. Perhaps you have a photo to send in – check out these sections for more information.

“If we didn’t feel fully confident, offering you our 100% Money-Back Guarantee on any particular product – we wouldn’t consider offering the product!”

Good hunting!

Besides the brothers, there is a crew of great people at Wildlife Research Center®. They really care about their customers. They work hard to make great product and get it out for the hunters. Most of the people at Wildlife Research Center® have been there for a long time. They do a great job, making sure hunters have the best scent products available and are happy to be working together.

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